I am.

Bios are strange.

We’re supposed to sum up all that we are in just a few lines,

when all that we are can barely fit inside our bodies, hobbies, and smiles… never mind a page or a paragraph.

But one day, we’re backed into a corner for some job or social media page and we say “fuck it”, I can do this.

But when we sit down to write we get lost in the same proverbial questions:

How much do I include? Do I have to add some quirky fact? Is this really MY life? Why do they need this anyway? Should I sound funny? Grandiose? Humble? Emojis are appropriate, right? RIGHT?! “

Nah. I’d rather not overthink my life while crumbling into an insecure mass of forgotten dreams.

I’d rather just let you know:

I Am.

Jay R. Louis

Writer. Thinker. Home of Proverbial Wisdom.

Full time. Freelance.


Oh and for Work History click “LinkedIn” down below —>